Boyfriend's Brother Read online

Page 8

  He needed to know what, if anything, she felt.

  He pushed again. "Look, I did what we talked about. Hell, I even left you and Marc alone so I wouldn't muck anything up." He shook his head. "You could've let me know you'd be dumping my brother."

  Chloe made a strangled choking noise. "When the hell should I have let you know?" She held up a finger. "You don't call." Raised a second one. "You don't write. You show up unannounced on my doorstep. And you know what? That's fine. But I don't owe you anything." Her voice went quiet. "You already knew I had doubts about getting married. Just because I decide not to be Marc's wife, doesn't mean I have to call you." She crossed her arms over her chest. "The deal between Marc and me has nothing to do with you."

  Jason snorted. "According to Marc, it has everything to do with me."

  Chloe rolled her eyes. "Well, he's wrong. I didn't tell him about the night we spent together. It's over. Done with. Forgotten." She waved her hand. "End of."

  Jason growled. "I don't think so, Chlo." He moved forward, and she backed up into the living room, keeping some space between them. "Marc can be very observant when he wants to. He's pretty damned well convinced I'm going to play a primo role in your future."

  Chloe dragged a hand through her hair. "Son of a bitch." Her head shook back and forth. "No. This can't happen. You and me. It can't."

  Her outright refusal to consider the idea had him pushing for answers again. "Why not?" He crossed his arms, waiting for a response.

  Chloe blinked and threw a hand up. "Geez, Jace, I don't know. Because I already feel like the biggest bitch to walk the planet?" She paced back and forth. "No, wait. How about the fact we didn't even have sex, but images of that night consume me? Or, hey, why not go with the whole you'd have to actually give a shit about me in a capacity other than being your brother's girlfriend… which you don't." Her pained eyes met his. "Should I go on, or is that enough?"

  Her rapid-fire dialog made his head spin, but he homed in on one particular bit. "Wait, back up. What did you say about that night consuming you?" He wondered if he'd heard that part correctly.

  He hoped so… he really did.

  Chloe snarled and punched his arm. Hard.

  Jace rubbed at the area. "Dammit, if one more person hits me today, I'm going to lose it."

  Chloe had zero sympathy. "You're being an ass. Now get out." She moved to walk past him toward the door, but his hand shot out, stopping her progress.

  "I don't think so, Chloe." He moved forward again. "Just wait a damned minute and let me get everything straight."

  She jerked her arm free and stalked a few steps away.

  Jace let her go, focused on getting to the bottom of her issues. "You're a bitch because instead of marrying my brother because he decides it's time, you actually think it through and say no." He glanced in her direction, and she didn't deny the statement. "Okay. Got that part, which probably has to do with the second thing, but we'll skip that for now and get to the third." He moved forward, stepping into her personal space. "The one where I only give a shit about you because you're Marc's girlfriend." He huffed out a harsh breath. "Oh, Chloe, you couldn't be more wrong about that."

  She stumbled back, easing away from him. "No, I can't be. You don't have feelings for me." Her head jerked. "You can't."

  Jason didn't hesitate. "Too bad. I do." He walked forward again, and she hit the wall, unable to go any farther.

  She stood her ground. "So what? Are you really gonna be that guy? The one who bangs his brother's girlfriend?"

  Ouch. That one stung. But he had backed her into a corner.

  He countered. "You're not his anything anymore, are you?"

  Her chin lifted. "Again, so the fuck what?" She squared her shoulders but couldn't quite suppress a shudder from his close proximity. "What do you think is going to happen here, Jace? We get together and live happily ever after?" She snorted. "I don't think so. I kind of hate you right now."

  He couldn't blame her. But the way she reacted told a different story. She fought hard against the attraction. He did, too. And why? Maybe it made them shitty people, and they'd have to live with the knowledge, but Jace didn't want to let anything end before it even got started.

  He nodded. "Believe me, Chloe, I pretty much hate myself, too. But here's the thing. I can't stop thinking about you. And yeah, I'm shit for a brother, but Marc is the one who sent me here. To make things right." He lifted a hand and placed it on the wall above her shoulder. "I can't do that if you refuse to listen or give me, no us, a chance." His other hand settled against the wall, bracketing her.

  He paused and held her gaze, gauging her reaction. Her breathing went shallow, and her mouth opened, her tongue darting out to wet her bottom lip. She didn't move or try to duck away. If she had, he would've backed off.

  Instead, he laid it out straight. "Here's exactly what I think is going to happen." He leaned in close, his mouth hovering over hers. "I'm gonna kiss you and see where that goes."

  He didn't let her respond. His mouth meshed with hers, and his tongue eased past her lips. She responded and wrapped her arms around him, pushing away from the wall, bringing her body flush with his.

  His hunger for her soared. One kiss spun into the next, and he lost the ability to think, taking his time, conducting a slow exploration of her mouth until she moaned and fisted her hands in his shirt. Dragging him forward, she turned and dropped down onto the couch, leaning back and hauling him close.

  Jace deepened the embrace. He needed Chloe to want him as much as he craved her. He shifted his position, lying on his side. Chloe turned into his arms, her mouth devouring his. Jason slipped his hand slid under her shirt, skimming along her side to cup a bare breast. It filled his palm, and she moaned, breaking the kiss. Easing up, she dragged her shirt over her head, tossing it across the room. Jason reached behind his head and pulled his off, flinging it aside. His lips met her skin when she shoved her pants down until she could kick them off to land in front of the sofa. Jason kicked his boots off and quickly undid his fatigues. Chloe tugged them down his hips, following their path with a scorching trail of kisses.

  Chloe struggled with his pants and finally won the battle, tossing them behind her. She dragged her lips back up his body, stopping to work his boxers down, revealing his erection. She paused to tease the head with her tongue, swirling it around the tip, before removing the underwear. She leaned forward to run her tongue along the length of his cock, then drew the head into her mouth, sinking down slowly until he groaned. Her cheeks hollowed, and she sucked him in deeply, repeating the action until he hooked a hand under her shoulder, tugging her upward to meet his lips in a hot kiss that set his brain on fire.

  A low rumble of satisfaction hummed in his throat when she nudged him onto his back and crawled up to settle on top of his thighs, her head lowering so she could slant her mouth over his.

  * * * *

  Chloe blazed with need. Jason brought his hands up to her face, his fingers threading through her hair, and his mouth tasted so good she wanted to feast for days. But Jace broke the kiss and moved his lips to her shoulder, nibbling a trail of kisses over the curve up to her neck. He skimmed his teeth along the column of her throat, raising goose bumps on her skin. Her thoughts were all jumbled, and when he dragged his lips back to hers, she slid her tongue in his mouth, letting the flame and heat ignite and consume her.

  Jason's fingers traced her skin, ghosting over her back, trailing along her legs and over her hip. His hands grasped her thighs, and his thumbs met at the juncture, taking turns circling her clit. Chloe shuddered and moaned. She pressed kisses along his jaw, then flicked her tongue against his ear. A low growl rumbled in his chest when she pulled the lobe between her teeth and bit down. A deep-seated satisfaction spread along her nerve endings, warming her blood to a fever pitch.

  Bracing one hand on his shoulder, she trailed the other down his chest, over the sinewy muscle, and skimming his abs before wrapping her fingers around his shaft. His hi
ps flexed, and the hard, heavy length swelled and pulsed in her grasp. When she met his gaze, she got lost in the sea of blue, and a surge of possessiveness washed over her.

  She didn't want to let him go.

  Releasing her grip, Chloe planted her hands on his chest and slid forward, ready to lift her hips and take him deep.

  Jason squeezed her thighs, halting her progress. "You're sure? You have to be sure, Chloe." His arms strained, and his shoulders tensed, his breath rasping out in short bursts.

  Chloe nodded. "I don't want to fight whatever this is between us, Jace. I'm sure."

  He relaxed his grasp, and she raised her hips, sinking slowly over his cock, savoring the feel of each inch until fully seated.

  A hum of pleasure escaped, and Chloe whispered. "Mmmm. So good."

  * * * *

  So good.

  Jason's breath whooshed out. Chloe had no idea what her purr of satisfaction sounded like. Or what it did to his waning control. Despite his best effort, he'd done nothing but think about her since the night they shared. He'd thought it would be hard to top the experience. Yet the feel of her taking him in deep, the slick, wet heat surrounding his hard length, and the way her ass seemed to fit so perfectly against his thighs… damn… the depth of his feelings caught him off guard. So much more and better than he expected.

  Maybe because he had nothing holding him back. And she didn't either. If the almost sex had been hot… he didn't have a word to describe the temperature level at the moment. A slow burning inferno maybe. Chloe kept her movements relaxed, sensual, no rush. And the way she held his gaze, letting every nuance of what she felt shine through hers… gah! He wanted to grab her hips and thrust hard and fast until he made her scream with ecstasy.

  But then it would be over too soon, and he might not get another chance. The thought burned in his brain. She didn't want to fight what they had between them, but it could be a one-time thing.

  Jason didn't think he'd ever get enough of her.

  Chloe leaned forward, nuzzling his ear. "Stop thinking, Jace. Just feel." She rocked her hips.

  Just feel. Easy to do when his brain melted and couldn't form coherent thought anyway. His mouth met hers, and his hands skimmed along her sides before settling on her ass, urging her to take him deeper. She moaned, her breath fanning against his neck. Breathing hard, each inhale and exhale brought his chest into contact with her taut nipples.

  Chloe shuddered. "I like that, Jace. Makes me tingly all over."

  Her words spurred him to up the pace. His fingers dug into the globes of her behind, and he thrust upward, his thighs nudging her forward with each stroke. Chloe made a gasping sound, her breathing going low and shallow.

  She grinded against him "Ah, Jace. Almost there. So close."

  Her internal muscles squeezed and released his cock, over and over, the friction increasing to the point he wanted to burst.

  He caught her mouth in a hard kiss. "Come for me, Chloe. Let me see you shatter around me."

  Chloe sat up, her fingers curling into fists on his chest, and she tossed her head back. "God, Jace. Don't stop. Almost… Almost…" Her hips moved forward and back, counterpoint to his.

  He pumped harder, bumping her ass with his legs. "Gonna be close, Chloe. I can't… I have to… I need—"

  She clenched around him, muscles tightening, drawing him in deep. "Now, Jace." Her fingers flexed, nails digging into his chest. "Come now." She shuddered and quaked, her words rasping out in short breathy pants.

  An exquisite burn flared, catching fire and spreading out from the base of his spine. He lifted his hips, thrust two more times and came. Hard. The release so incredible his mind blanked and his senses took over, homing in on the pounding of his heart. Chloe collapsed, landing on his chest in a heap, her hair tickling his nose. He caught a faint whiff of her shampoo, some kind of herbal blend, and oddly, the scent calmed the chaotic emotions running rampage in his head.

  His hands ghosted over her back, her skin hot under his touch. Wrapping his arms around her, he angled sideways, settling them more comfortably on the couch. His hand lifted, and he brushed the hair back away from her face.

  Not sure what to expect, he met her gaze, the green depths clear and untroubled.

  Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "That was…"

  Chloe finished for him. "Intense." She reached up and dragged a throw from the back of the couch.

  Jace nodded. "Yeah. Good description." His brain couldn't quite wrap around how great they were together.

  Or maybe his conscience didn't want to let it.

  Chloe draped the light blanket over them. "Stop it, Jace. Don't regret what we shared here. I won't." Her gaze lowered. "Even if I'm not sure what kind of people it makes us."

  He wrapped an arm around her. "The not perfect kind." Oddly, the admission didn't bother him as much as he'd thought it would, but what about Chloe? "We're going to be okay, right? You and me."

  * * * *

  Chloe didn't answer right away. She didn't regret the sex. Hell, if honest, she'd admit it turned her world upside down. And the intensity gave her pause. Her heart and her emotions were all twisted up. She wanted a little time and space to get everything straight in her head. Were her and Jace okay? She had no idea. Because she had zero clue where to go from sex on the sofa.

  She tilted her head back, holding his gaze for several long moments. "I don't know." She eased backward, sliding off the couch, wrapping the throw around her shoulders and snagging a second one from the back of a rocking chair. "I'm not trying to be a bitch here." She draped the blanket over Jace, hating to cover up all that naked flesh, but yeah, thinking straight required it. "I honestly can't answer because you turned my brain to mush." She nodded toward the bathroom. "Can we grab showers and talk after?"

  Jace sat up, keeping the blanket around his midsection. "Yeah. I'll use the one by the spare bedroom." He rose, tucking the ends around his hips.

  Chloe made her way through the master bedroom and dropped the throw at the bathroom door. Turning the water on in the shower, she gazed in the mirror while it warmed up. She looked the same, but she sure felt different. Knowing Jace cared deeply sort of made all the pieces click into place.

  Stepping into the shower, she pondered if she and Jace could be together without having it blow up in their faces. She wanted to see if they could manage. And keep it low-key because they had Marc to consider. He might have been the catalyst for sending Jace her way, but it could still be a minefield to navigate. Geez. What would the elder McIveys think? Her face flamed. She had a decent relationship with both… or used to. She'd deal with whatever fallout came.

  She lathered up and rinsed off. Feeling a little more settled, she cut the water flow and grabbed a towel. Tucking it around her, she quickly finger-combed her hair, slicking it back away from her face. She threw on a pair of shorts and tank top, tossed the towel on the rack in the bathroom and went back out to the living room.

  Jace stood in the middle of the space, surveying the myriad of boxes she'd packed up. He'd put his fatigues back on but hadn't buttoned them up all the way, and they hung low on his hips. He turned to find her gazing at the broad expanse of his back and lifted a brow.

  Caught, she offered a smirk… and an explanation for the packing. "I applied for housing on base." She didn't add more.

  Jace shot her a look. "I'd offer the use of my place… but I'm sort of going to need it."

  Another piece clicked, and Chloe responded. "The new post? You transferred in for it?"

  Jace nodded. "Yeah. Filled out the paperwork yesterday." He shrugged. "So… unless you wanna move in with me…"

  Chloe gave a derisive laugh. "Yeah, wouldn't that be ninety-seven shades of awkward." She met his gaze. "Breaking up with Marc and moving in with you right after? I don't think so, Jace. Let's not give your parents any more reason to hate me."

  Jace made his way to her and grasped her hips. "Look, Chloe. They're not going to hate you. And they
can't judge us, either. I know Marc's told you about their knockdown, drag out fights." He snorted. "I used to think the MPs came to the block parties for fun. I didn't know they showed up to make sure my mom and dad behaved."

  Chloe shook her head. "They were young then. And they stuck it out. I can't think they won't believe I should've tried harder with Marc."

  Jason shrugged. "Maybe they will. But it'll pass. And the only reason they're still married is because my dad spends a lot of time off-planet." He heaved a sigh. "And when I break the news I'm thinking about mustering out after I finish this stint, my dad will shift his focus completely to me."

  Chloe eased away and tugged Jason toward the couch. "You're thinking of using the new position to transition out for a civilian contract?" She sat down, settling back against the cushions. "A bold move. But perfect for you."

  Jason sank down beside her. "Do you think so?" He turned toward her. "I haven't made any decisions yet, but I figured this would be a good test run. See if I like the work."

  Chloe propped her feet on his knees. "It's a smart choice. You'll be working with a foot in both worlds. What better way to explore your options?"

  Jace nodded. "That's what I thought, too. It'll let me make an informed decision." He grabbed her feet, squeezing them. "But I'm leaning toward getting out, and that brings me to… what's next? For us." He started a deep massage along her insoles. "I'd get it if you said nothing. Wouldn't like it, but I'd understand."

  Chloe disagreed. "No, you wouldn't. Because we have something here, Jace. I don't know what it is yet, but it's there." She continued. "As for the future, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stay in. As much as I bitch about it, I love teaching and watching new recruits find their wings. I don't think I'll be going anywhere, considering the best training facility is right here."

  Jace blew out a long and slow breath. "So… you'll give me a chance. Give us one?" He reached out and hauled her forward, settling her beside him. "Because I think I could spend the rest of my life with you, Chloe."